Activity on trade forums blogs

Published-forum dialog occurs between tradepersons, inspectors, engineers, licensed builders, suppliers, building officials, union organizers, and other building-industry members. The extraordinary and common trade practices described on these forums are not necessarily advised properly, much less moderated, unless sufficient complaints come to the attention of the publisher.

The forum links below show entire discussions where the user “ramsy” contributed a comment. Readers can see comments ranging from local & State building codes, to criticism of industry practice. My comments began sometime near the great recession of 2008, when apprentices were still being actively recruited, and exploited by false representation of livelihood, dumped overboard to depend on State unemployment systems.

For the strictly moderated forums, members are periodically suspended or banned for mysterious reasons. Participation is best described as transient. While some trade-groups still manage to evangalize their own intrest, other well ajusted experts don’t volunteer their trade knowledge without proper provocation. Unfortunately, the most usefull information must be provoked, but is also the first to get deleted.

The popular trade forum below is represented by its share of contractors, layed-off Union workers, unlicensed side workers, home-owners, and Do It Yourselfers (DIY), which repeatedly ask similar questions to armchair building officials, inspectors, engineers, instructors, and legal councel. Some of these armchair experts can be helpful, but there also exists a real danger in avoiding skilled professionals, avoiding permits and locally adopted codes, or avoiding inspection by the local Authority having jurisdiction.

2) Mike Holt Publications

All participating threads

Across all the forums, networking with forum membership to locate replacement equipment, no longer manufactured, has been most useful to me. Some commercial-property owners are also seen canvasing for contractors & engineers in their area. Members can be seen networking their talent, and offering their contractor’s license for rent or RMO. However, the majority of correspondence is not illicitly conducted in public forum topics, but thru private messages sent between user mailboxes, which are assigned as part of forum membership.

3) Electrical Contractor Network

All participating threads



